Balance and walking ability disorders - Vestibular rehabilitation center

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Balance and walking ability disorders

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VRC Services
Vestibular Rehabilitation Center (CRPP - CRO - VRC) - Hardy Physiotherapy Office in Luxembourg (Dudelange and Belval) - Balance and walking disorders
Balance and walking disorders in elderly people

These are patients who describe difficulties in sitting, standing or walking. This can be explained by damage to the vestibular system, which has become less efficient over time, or by eye problems.

Balance disorders are common in older patients. It is described as a feeling of being on a boat or inebriated. It is important to note that a previous fall, however trivial, will amplify this phenomenon. It is at this precise moment that the team of physiotherapists at the Vestibular Rehabilitation Center (CRV) in Belval will intervene and determine the precise origin of these balance problems. A preventive re-education will be strongly recommended in order to avoid further falls.

Focus on our methods

A poorly understood vestibular problem, tension problems or poor eyesight can cause these falls. The CRV team will advocate a global muscular reinforcement and will recommend daily and adapted physical activity to reinforce the vigilance of these patients.
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