Motion sickness - Vestibular rehabilitation center

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Motion sickness

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VRC Services
Vestibular Rehabilitation Center (CRPP - CRO - VRC) - Hardy Physiotherapy Office in Luxembourg (Dudelange and Belval) - Motion sickness
Motion sickness

This type of rehabilitation is aimed at patients with moderate to severe visual dependence. These are patients who have developed intolerance to movements in the environment, intolerance that is tolerated by improved visual stability:

  • Difficulty taking public transport (stable in a moving environment) = CINETOSIS
  • Difficulty walking in crowded places (walking between people in random directions) = AGORAPHOBIA
  • Difficulty walking in very large, empty spaces (fear of emptiness) = ACROPHOBIA

These difficulties can be simulated by optokinetic stimulation, which is an excellent tool in the rehabilitation of these vertiginous disorders.
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